Baby Powder Air Freshener

SKU: babypowderairfresh Category:


With our baby powder air freshener, car owners will love the fresh scent, easy application, and instant odor eliminator, each time they spray the freshener in their car. With a couple sprays of this air freshener, you are going to notice an instant masking of the foul odors in your car, and you are going to be able to smell the fresh scent you love, with the powerful and potent baby powder scent that the baby powder air freshener is going to provide.

Not only is the powerful ingredient blend going to cover up the foul odors in your car, it is going to eliminate them. With the right chemical blends, our baby powder air freshener is not only safe for your vehicle, and all of the surfaces, it is also going to work to embed itself in to the cushions, mats, and other surfaces, to ensure odor elimination, and the fresh powder scent you love.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
1 Gallon Bottle


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